passtech games

Geppetto will join the Ravenswatch on May 31!



Greetings, Ravens!

The team at Passtech Games is beyond excited to finally reveal the next hero to join the Ravenswatch as well as announce the release date of the Spring update!

Make room for Geppetto, the Italian woodcarver, and father of Pinocchio:

Get ready for May 31st!

The Spring Update – also now known as the Geppetto Update – will release on May 31st with even more content:

  • Geppetto joins the Ravenswatch with his own set of abilities and special trait, 14 Upgrades, and 2 Ultimates
  • All the heroes can unlock their second Ultimate ability
  • Teleport yourself from anywhere on the map, while not in combat
  • More voiced barks and now short dialogs between the heroes
  • And more!

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Another day, another patch! We're pushing a small patch on Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox to restabilize crossplay on those platforms and fix recently reported lobby issues.
The Nightmares Unleashed update is now live on all platforms. Passtech Games and Nacon are excited to launch this first major free update for Ravenswatch. It features new enemies, new Master Nightmare patterns, new map events, and much more.
We're pushing a new patch to fix a reported crash that occurred at the end of a Chapter (during unloadings). Thank you for your reports and your help tracking this issue.